If you are looking for a code editor which supports wide variety of programming languages and scripts then you may go for Atom without thinking twice. The editing tool can be installed either on Windows, Mac and Linux for free and if anyone interested he might also collect the source code too. Web developers will get benefit from it since it supports almost all languages used for both static and dynamic pages. Atom will not disappoint developers who has to work on other languages too time to time as per their contract. There is add on for Atom which you can install anytime to work on a single project by multiple developers as team members. Some unique features like multiple panes to compare and edit the codes, in-built file system manager, smart coding help by auto complete while you type makes Atom a powerful editing tool for any programmer.
Download Atom (for windows 32bit, 166 MB)
Download Atom (for windows 64bit, 172 MB)
Download Atom (for Mac, 183 MB)
Download Atom (for Linux, 176 MB)
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Support Information

Atom is free, open source solutions, community supported, hosted by github. If you are having a problem with Atom, then visit here and look for help


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There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult. - C.A.R. Hoare